Sir Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997) spent a long, distinguished career at Oxford University, where he was Professor of Social and Political Theory, a Fellow of All Souls College, and founding President of Wolfson College. Among his many books are Karl Marx, Russian Thinkers (including "The Hedgehog and the Fox"), The Age of Enlightenment, and Liberty (including "Historical Inevitability" and "Two Concepts of Liberty"). Beata Polanowska-Sygulska, Ph.D. (Cracow, Poland), works in the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland, and is the author of two books in Polish on Isaiah Berlin, Isaiah Berlin's Philosophy of Freedom and Visages of Liberalism, as well as many scholarly articles.
""Beata Polanowska-Sygulska has given us an invaluable guide to the thought of one of the twentieth century's great liberal thinkers. In letters, interviews and conversations Isaiah Berlin reveals the essence of his philosophy and relates it to the events of his life. It is a unique record, and together with Polanowska-Sygulska's pentetrating interpretive essays this book will prove indispensable to anyone interested in political theory and the history of ideas in the twentieth century." John Gray, Professor of European Thought London School of Economics Author of Isaiah Berlin