Terrorism: Reflections on Issues, Concepts, and Directions - Anthony J. Marsella; Dishonest Crimes: Dishonest Language: An Argument About Terrorism - Brien Hallett; Peace and War in the Middle East: A Psychopolitical and Sociocultural Perspective - Naji Abi Hashem; The Social Construction of Terrorism - Rom Harrv; Cultural Preconditions for Potential Terrorist Groups: Terrorism and Societal Change - Fathali Moghaddam; The Origins and Consequences of Moral Disengagement: A Social Learning Perspective - Albert Bandura; Understanding and Responding to Group Violence: Genocide, mass Killing, Terrorism - Erwin Staub; Terrorism and The Quest for Identity - Donald Taylor and Winifred Lewis; Malevolent Minds: The Teleology of Terrorism - Thomas Ditzler; Terrorism: Peace Psychology Perspectives - Richard W. Wagner and Katherine R. Long; The Psychosocial Aftermath of Terrorism - Yael Danieli, Brian Engdahl, and William E. Schlenger; Terrorism and the mental Health and Well-Being Of Refugees and Displaced People - Michael G. Wessells; Psychology's Response to Terrorism - Robert F. Levant, Laura Barbanel, and Patrick DeLeon