Introduction, Nancy G. Guerra, Robert D. Hoge, and Paul Boxer 1. A Portrait of Juvenile Offending in the United States, Kirk R. Williams, Louis Tuthill, and Shoon Lio 2. Theoretical and Research Advances in Understanding the Causes of Juvenile Offending, Nancy G. Guerra, Kirk R. Williams, Patrick H. Tolan, and Kathryn L. Modecki 3. Assessment in Juvenile Justice Systems, Robert D. Hoge 4. What Works: Best Practices with Juvenile Offenders, Nancy G. Guerra, Tia E. Kim, and Paul Boxer 5. Implementing Treatment Programs in Community and Institutional Settings, Nancy G. Guerra and Caren Leaf 6. How Policy Affects Practice in the Treatment of Juvenile Offenders: The California Experience, Elizabeth Siggins and Amy Seidlitz 7. Treatment of Violent Offenders, Paul Boxer and Paul J. Frick 8. Treating Gang-Involved Offenders, Robert Nash Parker, Todd D. Negola, Rudy Haapanen, Larry Miranda, and Emily K. Asencio 9. Juvenile Sexual Offending: An Evidence-Based Approach to Assessment and Intervention, Gary O'Reilly and Clodagh Ann Dowling 10. Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Bonita M. Veysey 11. Juvenile Offenders with Special Education Needs, Carolyn R. Eggleston 12. The Female Juvenile Offender, Robert D. Hoge and Lynda Robertson 13. Epilogue, Robert D. Hoge, Nancy G. Guerra, and Paul Boxer