List of North American Carnivore Species
Chapter 1. Noninvasive Research and Carnivore Conservation
Chapter 2. Designing Effective Noninvasive Carnivore Surveys
Chapter 3. Natural Sign: Tracks and Scats
Chapter 4. Track Stations
Chapter 5. Remote Cameras
Chapter 6. Hair Collection
Chapter 7. Scat Detection Dogs
Chapter 8. Integrating Multiple Methods to Achieve Survey Objectives
Chapter 9. Genetic and Endocrine Tools for Carnivore Surveys
Chapter 10. Attracting Animals to Detection Devices
Chapter 11. Statistical Modeling and Inference from Carnivore Survey Data
Chapter 12. Synthesis and Future Research Needs
Chapter 1. Noninvasive Research and Carnivore Conservation
Chapter 2. Designing Effective Noninvasive Carnivore Surveys
Chapter 3. Natural Sign: Tracks and Scats
Chapter 4. Track Stations
Chapter 5. Remote Cameras
Chapter 6. Hair Collection
Chapter 7. Scat Detection Dogs
Chapter 8. Integrating Multiple Methods to Achieve Survey Objectives
Chapter 9. Genetic and Endocrine Tools for Carnivore Surveys
Chapter 10. Attracting Animals to Detection Devices
Chapter 11. Statistical Modeling and Inference from Carnivore Survey Data
Chapter 12. Synthesis and Future Research Needs