PART I. Energy Development and the Human Footprint
Chapter 1. An Introduction Energy to Development in the West \ David E. Naugle and Holly E. Copeland
Chapter 2. Geography of Energy Development in Western North America: Potential Impacts to Terrestrial Ecosystems \ Holly E. Copeland, Amy Pocewicz, and Joseph M. Kiesecker
PART II. Biological Response of Wildlife and Invasive Plants to Energy Development
Chapter 3. A Unifying Framework for Understanding Impacts of Human Developments for Wildlife \ Chris J. Johnson and Martin-Hugues St-Laurent
Chapter 4. Sage-grouse and Cumulative Impacts of Energy Development \ David E. Naugle, Kevin E. Doherty, Brett L.Walker, Holly E. Copeland, Matthew J. Holloran, and Jason D. Tack
Chapter 5. Effects of Energy Development on Ungulates in Western North America \ Mark Hebblewhite
Chapter 6. The Effects of Energy Development on Songbirds \ Erin M. Bayne and Brenda C. Dale
Chapter 7. Invasive Plants and Their Response to Energy Development \ Paul H. Evangelista, Alycia W. Crall, and Erin Bergquist
Chapter 8. Wind Power and Biofuels: A Green Dilemma for Wildlife Conservation \ Gregory D. Johnson and Scott E. Stephens
PART III. Conservation by Design: Planning and Implementing Solutions
Chapter 9. Energy by Design: Making Mitigation Work for Conservation and Development \ Joseph M. Kiesecker, Holly E. Copeland, Bruce A. McKenney, Amy Pocewicz, and Kevin E. Doherty
Chapter 10. Forecasting Energy Development Scenarios to Aid in Conservation Design \ Holly E. Copeland, Kevin E. Doherty, David E. Naugle, Amy Pocewicz, and Joseph M. Kiesecker
Chapter 11. Resource Policy, Adaptive Management and Energy Development on Public Lands \ Melinda Harm Benson
Chapter 12. Community-based Landscape Conservation: A Roadmap for the Future \ Gregory A. Neudecker, Alison L. Duvall, and James W. Stutzman
Literature Cited
About the Editor
List of Contributors
PART I. Energy Development and the Human Footprint
Chapter 1. An Introduction Energy to Development in the West \ David E. Naugle and Holly E. Copeland
Chapter 2. Geography of Energy Development in Western North America: Potential Impacts to Terrestrial Ecosystems \ Holly E. Copeland, Amy Pocewicz, and Joseph M. Kiesecker
PART II. Biological Response of Wildlife and Invasive Plants to Energy Development
Chapter 3. A Unifying Framework for Understanding Impacts of Human Developments for Wildlife \ Chris J. Johnson and Martin-Hugues St-Laurent
Chapter 4. Sage-grouse and Cumulative Impacts of Energy Development \ David E. Naugle, Kevin E. Doherty, Brett L.Walker, Holly E. Copeland, Matthew J. Holloran, and Jason D. Tack
Chapter 5. Effects of Energy Development on Ungulates in Western North America \ Mark Hebblewhite
Chapter 6. The Effects of Energy Development on Songbirds \ Erin M. Bayne and Brenda C. Dale
Chapter 7. Invasive Plants and Their Response to Energy Development \ Paul H. Evangelista, Alycia W. Crall, and Erin Bergquist
Chapter 8. Wind Power and Biofuels: A Green Dilemma for Wildlife Conservation \ Gregory D. Johnson and Scott E. Stephens
PART III. Conservation by Design: Planning and Implementing Solutions
Chapter 9. Energy by Design: Making Mitigation Work for Conservation and Development \ Joseph M. Kiesecker, Holly E. Copeland, Bruce A. McKenney, Amy Pocewicz, and Kevin E. Doherty
Chapter 10. Forecasting Energy Development Scenarios to Aid in Conservation Design \ Holly E. Copeland, Kevin E. Doherty, David E. Naugle, Amy Pocewicz, and Joseph M. Kiesecker
Chapter 11. Resource Policy, Adaptive Management and Energy Development on Public Lands \ Melinda Harm Benson
Chapter 12. Community-based Landscape Conservation: A Roadmap for the Future \ Gregory A. Neudecker, Alison L. Duvall, and James W. Stutzman
Literature Cited
About the Editor
List of Contributors