The quadrennial edition of this engaging and informative guide highlights the private and public lives of the most celebrated figures in U.S. politics and is now updated to include the results of the 2008 presidential election of Barack Obama. Written in a straightforward style that will appeal to everyone from high school students to presidential historians, this resource includes biographies and photos of every president, vice president, and first lady. The biographies take a closer look at the personal dimensions of these public figures, including information on their early and post-term lives as well as noteworthy events that occurred while in office. Supplemental essays explore the daily life of the president from meetings in the Oval Office to leisurely activities and entertaining at the White House. The significant updates to this new edition include the following: Updated information on Former President George W. Bush, Former Vice President Dick Cheney, Former President Bill Clinton, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. New, original biographies of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and First Lady Michelle Obama. Summary of the 2008 presidential election and its racial and gender ramifications. In addition to these updates, this resource continues to offer classic reference composition. A detailed index helps readers easily trace names, places, and events from the early days of the presidency to the present. Short introductions for every position plus photos with each biographical entry help you visualize the White House and those who have inhabited it. Whether you use it as a quick look-up reference guide, as a first stop in a research project, or simply as a source to explore the backgrounds and lifestyles of these key U.S. public figures, this is an essential introductory reference work for all school, university, and public library collections.