Politics in Russia


A Reader

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Edited by Joel M. Ostrow
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PART ONE: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SOVIET POLITICAL SYSTEM "Introduction," from Soviet Politics, 1917-1991 - Mary McCauley "Terror as a System of Power" - Merle Fainsod "Soviet Stability and its Sources" - Seweryn Bialer PART TWO: THE COLLAPSE OF THE SOVIET UNION "What Was Socialism and Why Did it Fail?" - Katherine Verdery "Glasnost Gutted the Party, Democratization Destroyed the State" - Joel M. Ostrow "Causes of the Collapse of the USSR" - Alexander Dallin PART THREE: CORE TASKS FOR POSTCOMMUNIST RUSSIA "Crucial Junctures and the Demise of Democracy in Russia" - Joel M. Ostrow, Georgiy A. Starov, and Irina M. Khakamada "The Democratization of Russia in Comparative Perspective" - Zvi Gitleman "Ten Myths About Russia: Understanding and Dealing with Russia's Complexity and Ambiguity" - David Foglesong and Gordon Hahn PART FOUR: THE ECONOMY: MARKET CAPITALISM OR INSTITUTIONALIZED CORRUPTION? "A Normal Country: Russia after Communism" - Andrei Shliefer and Daniel Triesman "The Triumph of Bureaucratic Capitalism" - Lilia Shevtsova Excerpts from "Comrade Criminal" and "The Criminal State" - Steven Handleman PART FIVE: THE EXECUTIVE AND THE LEGISLATURE "Liberal Technocrats as an Adornment of the State" - Lilia Shevtsova "Inside the Putin Court: A Research Note" - Olga Kryshtanovskaya and Stephen White "Majority Control and Executive Dominance: Parliament-President Relations in Putin's Russia" - Paul Chaisty PART SIX: POLITICAL PARTIES "Party Politics in Russia: From Competition to Hierarchy" - Vladimir Gel'man "Political Opposition in Russia: A Dying Species?" - Vladimir Gel'man "Russia's Client Party System" - Stephen White Selection from "Symptoms of the Failure of Democracy in Russia" - M. Steven Fish PART SEVEN: ELECTIONS Excerpts from "Corrupting the Elections: Enter the Oligarchs" and "Abandoning Democracy: Anointing a Successor" - Joel M. Ostrow, Georgiy A. Starov, and Irina M. Khakamada "Russian Elections: An Oxymoron of Democracy" - Misha Myagakov and Peter Ordeshook Selection from "Symptoms of the Failure of Democracy in Russia" - M. Steven Fish PART EIGHT: NATIONALISM AND CHECHNYA "The Spectre of Russian Nationalism" - Rafael Khachaturian "Chechnya: A Dirty War 1999-2002" - Anna Politkovskaya "Conclusion: Nationalism as Political Posture" - Marlene Laurelle PART NINE: THE MEDIA "Dictatorship Becomes the Only Game in Town" - Joel M. Ostrow, Georgiy A. Starov, and Irina M. Khakamada Selections from "Symptoms of the Failure of Democracy in Russia" - M. Steven Fish "Constrained or Irrelevant: The Media in Putin's Russia" - Masha Lipman "Russia: Why Do Journalists Die?" - Oleg Panfilov "Rebirth of Russian Nationalism: State Control of the Mass Media Is the Principal Cause Of the Growth of Xenophobia in Russia" - Oleg Panfilov "Journalism of Intimidation" - David Satter "All the News the Kremlin Thinks is Fit to Print" - Dmitriy Sidorov

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