Energy Trends
-Oil Market Resumes Growth after Stumble in 2009
-Global Natural Gas Consumption Regains Momentum
-Nuclear Generation Capacity Falls
-Global Wind Power Growth Takes a Breather in 2010
-Another Record Year for Solar Power, but Clouds on the Horizon
-Biofuels Regain Momentum
-Global Hydropower Installed Capacity and Use Increase
-Energy Poverty Remains a Global Challenge for the Future
Transportation Trends
-Auto Industry Stages Comeback from Near-Death Experience
-High-Speed Rail Networks Expand
Environment and Climate Trends
-Carbon Markets Struggle to Maintain Momentum
-Carbon Capture and Storage Attracts Government Attention
Food and Agriculture Trends
-World Grain Production Down in 2010, but Recovering
-Organic Agriculture Sustained through Economic Crisis
-Sugar Production Dips
-Fish Production from Aquaculture Rises While Marine Fish Stocks Continue to Decline
-Meat Production and Consumption Continue to Grow
Global Economy and Resources Trends
-World's Forests Continue to Fall as Demand for Food and Land Goes Up
-Tropical Forests Push Payments for Ecosystem Services onto the Global Stage
-Value of Fossil Fuel Subsidies Declines, National Bans Emerging
-Energy Intensity Is Rising Slightly
Population and Society Trends
-World Labor Force Growing at Divergent Rates
-Women Slowly Close Gender Gap with Men
-Numbers of Overweight on the Rise
The Vital Signs Series
Energy Trends
-Oil Market Resumes Growth after Stumble in 2009
-Global Natural Gas Consumption Regains Momentum
-Nuclear Generation Capacity Falls
-Global Wind Power Growth Takes a Breather in 2010
-Another Record Year for Solar Power, but Clouds on the Horizon
-Biofuels Regain Momentum
-Global Hydropower Installed Capacity and Use Increase
-Energy Poverty Remains a Global Challenge for the Future
Transportation Trends
-Auto Industry Stages Comeback from Near-Death Experience
-High-Speed Rail Networks Expand
Environment and Climate Trends
-Carbon Markets Struggle to Maintain Momentum
-Carbon Capture and Storage Attracts Government Attention
Food and Agriculture Trends
-World Grain Production Down in 2010, but Recovering
-Organic Agriculture Sustained through Economic Crisis
-Sugar Production Dips
-Fish Production from Aquaculture Rises While Marine Fish Stocks Continue to Decline
-Meat Production and Consumption Continue to Grow
Global Economy and Resources Trends
-World's Forests Continue to Fall as Demand for Food and Land Goes Up
-Tropical Forests Push Payments for Ecosystem Services onto the Global Stage
-Value of Fossil Fuel Subsidies Declines, National Bans Emerging
-Energy Intensity Is Rising Slightly
Population and Society Trends
-World Labor Force Growing at Divergent Rates
-Women Slowly Close Gender Gap with Men
-Numbers of Overweight on the Rise
The Vital Signs Series