Climate Change and Pacific Islands:

ISLAND PRESSISBN: 9781610914277

Indicators and Impacts: Report for the 2012 Pacific Islands Regional Climate Assessment

Sale price$97.99

By: Edited by Victoria Keener, John J. Marra, Melissa L. Finucane, Deanna Spooner, Margaret H. Smith
Release Date:


About this Report
Executive Summary
Hawaii Governor's Letter
List of Figures and Tables
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1: Pacific Islands Region Overview
-Region profile
-Pacific Island geology and landscape
-Pacific Island peoples, governments, and economies
-Pacific Island ecosystems
-Box 1-1: Marine national monuments in the Pacific Islands region
-Box 1-2: Ecosystems of the Pacific Islands region
-Weather and climate
-Inter-annual and interdecadal variability
-Box 1-3: Distinguishing climate variability from climate change in the Pacific
-Observations and monitoring
-Box 1-4: The value of high-quality observations and monitoring: Mauna Loa Observatory, HaleNet, and Station ALOHA
-Models and projections
-Indicators of a changing climate in the Pacific Islands region
-Impacts of a changing climate in the Pacific Islands region
-Adaptive capacities
-Box 1-5: Climate change will force human migration from the Pacific Islands
-Advancing knowledge
-Box 1-6: Assessing information needs for managing O'ahu's freshwater resources
Chapter 2. Freshwater and Drought on Pacific Islands
-Freshwater hydrology overview
-Historic and current trends
-Box 2-1: The Hawai'i Water Code: Providing a strong basis for management and planning
-Box 2-2: High-quality data and monitoring networks are threatened
-Impacts and adaptation
-Case Study 2-1: Managing vulnerable water resources in atoll nations
-Case Study 2-2: Using climate forecasts to save money and protect human health
-Case Study 2-3: Climate change likely to intensify freshwater disputes in Hawai'i
Chapter 3. Sea Level and Coastal Inundation on Pacific Islands
-Historic and current trends
-Box 3-1: How do you measure sea level?
-Extreme sea-level events
-Climate projections and sea level
-Case Study 3-1: A combination of processes creates extreme water levels and contributes to flooding and erosion
-Case Study 3-2: Mapping sea-level rise in Honolulu
Chapter 4. Marine, Freshwater, and Terrestrial Ecosystems on Pacific Islands
-Regional ecosystems overview
-Historic and projected trends
-Impacts to marine ecosystems
-Impacts to freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems
-Implications of climate change for management
-Case Study 4-1: Climate change threatens Hawaiian forest birds
-Case Study 4-2: Fish populations respond to climate conditions
-Case Study 4-3: Pacific coral reef management in a changing climate
Chapter 5. Summary and Conclusions
-Advancing Knowledge
Appendix A: Glossaries Related to Weather and Climate in the Pacific Islands
Appendix B: Future Regional Climate ' Modeling and Projections
Appendix C: Members of the PIRCA Core Team
Appendix D: Members of the PIRCA Steering Committee
Appendix E: Freshwater and Drought Technical Workshop
Appendix F: Sea-level Rise and Coastal Inundation Technical Workshop
Appendix G: Marine, Freshwater, and Terrestrial EcosystemsTechnical Workshop
Appendix H: Summary of Workshop Evaluations

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