Building the Cycling City:

ISLAND PRESSISBN: 9781610918794

The Dutch Blueprint for Urban Vitality

Sale price$50.99

By: By Melissa Bruntlett, Chris Bruntlett
Release Date:



Introduction: A Nation of Fietsers
Chapter 1: Streets Aren't Set in Stone 
Chapter 2: Not Sport. Transport.
Chapter 3: Fortune Favors the Brave
Chapter 4: One Size Won't Fit All 
Chapter 5: Demand More 
Chapter 6: Think Outside the Van
Chapter 7: Build at a Human Scale
Chapter 8: Use Bikes to Feed Transit
Chapter 9: Put Your City on the Map
Chapter 10: Learn to Ride Like the Dutch 
Conclusion: A World of Fietsers

About the Authors


""A fantastic history of the Dutch evolution into the bike-capital of the world and how its history and solutions can be applied...elsewhere. It should be required reading for every politician, planner, advocate, traffic engineer, or anyone else involved in the livable streets movement.""

' Streetsblog San Francisco

""All designers of bicycle infrastructure would do well to read the book...It's a book that even many cycling advocates would do well to read...Most importantly, it's a book that should be in the hands of every elected official of every city everywhere.""

' Transportation Planning

""An informative and enjoyable read that will inspire anyone interested in learning more about Dutch transportation planning and policies...Building the Cycling City left me inspired.""

' Sightline

""Unflaggingly optimistic...Building the Cycling City is an accessible read.""

' Environment & Urbanization

""I would equate Building the Cycling City to riding a Dutch bike. You don't want to rush through it like a road bike, but it hauls a lot of lessons from the Dutch cycling experience which are practical to North American cities and delivered in an upright, easy to read manner.""

' Dandyhorse

""If cycling as a mode of transportation interests you and you're not impressed with our half-ass bike lanes, Building the Cycling City should be on your reading list.""

' Urban Review Saint Louis



""Beautifully crafted...recommended to all the cycling advocates, city and town planners, city design architects, municipal corporations, road traffic and safety departments, companies and officials involved in urban infrastructure development, politicians, citizen activists...and every one who believes in making our cities more livable .""

' Pedal and Tring Tring blog

""In sharing their two-wheeled adventures and the lessons of Europe's greatest cycle cities, the Bruntletts offer a pragmatic and hopeful vision of the future. Building the Cycling City shows how all cities can follow the Dutch blueprint for health, happiness, and mobility freedom.""

' Charles Montgomery, author of ""Happy City: Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design""

""Bruntlett and Bruntlett make the definitive case that cycling cities are livable cities. But unless we all demand more, as the Dutch have and continue to do, we'll compromise our health, the safety of our children, and our pocketbooks. For anyone who cares about how cities transform to become places for people, this book will show you how it is done.""

' Jennifer Keesmaat, former Chief Planner, City of Toronto and Chief Executive Officer, Creative Housing Society

""When it comes to understanding how the urban biking revolution is transforming cities and the lives of real people, Melissa and Chris are the real deal. Now they have written a book that is engaging, inspiring, and practical. You don't have to love the Dutch way of building cities to love this book'you just need to love great storytelling, and want YOUR city to be better.""

' Brent Toderian, City Planner & Urbanist, TODERIAN UrbanWORKS, former Chief Planner, City of Vancouver

""Building the Cycling City shows how people worldwide inspire each other to create better cycling cities. The book celebrates local heroes who choose to adapt Dutch ideas to their own demands. The resulting urban transformations often became an inspiration to Dutch city builders themselves. Melissa and Chris Bruntlett offer not only inspiring stories, but also concrete plans and effective strategies for cycling cities. This is a must read for both cycling advocates and urbanists.""

' Saskia Kluit, CEO, Fietsersbond and President, Dutch Cycling Embassy

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