Burt Kimmelman, Foreword Jon Curley, Introduction: Charting a Nomadic Course: Michael Heller's Dispersions of Tradition Tyrone Williams, "'To place a word on it': burning maps, drawing networks": Michael Heller, This Constellation Is A Name: Collected Poems 1965-2010 Henry Weinfield, "Truth Also Is the Pursuit of It": Heller's Encounter with Oppen Eric Hoffman, On Michael Heller's "Stanzas Without Ozymandias" Romana Huk, "Writing in the danger zone": Michael Heller's poetics of naming Helene Aji, Why Walter Benjamin? A Brief Note on Two Operas Elisabeth Joyce, "Poetics of Remembrance": Michael Heller as Memorial Candle Stephen Fredman, Judaism as Loss in the Poetry of Michael Heller David Herd, `Poetry on abandoned ground': Michael Heller's Eschaton Norman Finkelstein, Afterword: Michael Heller: The Philosophical Poet In the Age of the Simulacrum Burt Kimmelman and Jon Curley, "Interview with Michael Heller" Works Cited (for volume) Works Cited (works by Michael Heller) Words Cited (articles, reviews, essays about Michael Heller)