Preface Acknowledgments Introduction: Capital Punishment in Early Modern England Chapter 1: "I have been bred upon the Theater of death, and have learned that part": The Execution Ritual During the English Revolution Chapter 2: The Earl of Strafford's Trial and Scaffold Speech: Texts and Contexts Chapter 3: The Earl of Strafford's Trial and Scaffold Speech: Textual Aftermaths Chapter 4: Archbishop William Laud in the Theatre of Execution Chapter 5: Civil War Politics and the Texts of Archbishop William Laud's Execution Sermon and Prayers Chapter 6: Genre Criticism and the Animadversions upon Archbishop William Laud's Execution Sermon and Prayers Chapter 7: Self-Referential Defense Strategies in King Charles I's Treason Trial Chapter 8: The Earl of Strafford, Archbishop Laud, and King Charles I's Deflation of Genre in His Speech Made upon the Scaffold Chapter 9: "The Last Actors in This Bloody Tragedy": The Regicides in the Theatre of Death Afterword Works Cited Index About the Author