Steven Manchester is the national bestselling author of TWELVE MONTHS, PRESSED PENNIES, THE UNEXPECTED STORM: THE GULF WAR LEGACY and JACOB EVANS, as well as several books under the pseudonym, Steven Herberts. His work has appeared on NBC's Today Show, CBS's The Early Show, CNN's American Morning and BET's Nightly News. Recently, three of Steven's short stories were selected "101 Best" for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. When not spending time with his beautiful wife, Paula, or his four children, this Massachusetts author is promoting his works or writing.
"Steven Manchester has a gift for expressing through his writing the complicated and transcendent beauty of the human experience with poignant clarity." -- Yolanda King, eldest daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King "Steven Manchester's GOODNIGHT, BRIAN is a poignant, inspiring story about resilience and faith and one fam- ily's enduring love that should be a model for us all." -- James S. Hirsch, bestselling author, WILLIE MAYS: THE LIFE, THE LEGEND "An amazing writer...with GOODNIGHT, BRIAN, Steven Manchester has yet another winner on his hands!" -- Noonie Fortin, 1SG, USAR (Ret); Author and Speaker "GOODNIGHT, BRIAN is a heart warming story about the power of love." -- Tami Brady, TCM Reviews "Steven has once again proven his deep insight into human emotions and relations and his ability to craft a well written and entertaining story that also has the power to inspire courage and hope. GOODNIGHT, BRIAN is a fine read." -- Bob Price, WPZZ Radio Personality