Susan Israel lives in Connecticut with her beloved dog, but New York City lives in her heart and mind. A graduate of Yale College, her fiction has been published in Other Voices, Hawaii Review and Vignette and she has written for magazines, websites and newspapers, including Glamour, Girls Life, Ladies Home Journal and The Washington Post. She's currently at work on the second book in the Delilah Price series, Student Bodies.
"A well written, delightful, interesting and fun read. Looking forward to book two!" -- Hotchpotch "A smart, savvy mystery with a very likeable heroine and a twisted and labyrinth plot." -- Cayocosta72 "Page turning goodness with a tinge of suspense and a twist of shock." -- Cassandra M's Place "A definite page-turner for me. It kept my interest and attention to the very end and I will be looking forward to the second book in the series." -- The Butler Did It "Susan Israel has created an offbeat heroine, a strong woman intent on her career and determined to make it on her own regardless of what it takes to do so...recommended for mystery lovers." -- Booksie's Blog