Tom Avitabile is a writer, director, and producer with numerous film and television credits, a professional musician, and an amateur woodworker. He has an extensive background in engineering and computers, including work on projects for the House Committee on Science and Technology. His novel The Devil's Quota became a #1 digital bestseller, as did The Eighth Day, the first installment of his Bill Hiccock "thrillogy" that includes the novels The Hammer of God and The God Particle, and the two Brooke Burrell novels, Give Us This Day and Forgive Us Our Trespasses.
"A thriller with some insights into human behavior"--Mel Robbins, CNBC "Awesome. I could not go to sleep last night because I couldn't put it down!"--Donna Hanover, WOR Radio 710 "Frighteningly realistic. Most of Washington really works this way. Homeland Security had better read this one and take corrective action."--Michael Skol, U.S. Ambassador "The author weaves a tale that will occasionally take your breath away and then cause you to sigh with relief.... He is a master wordsmith who knows the value of just the right phrase at just the right moment. His timing will keep you on the edge of your chair."--Bill Twomey "CNG Newspaper Group"