Chelsea Leachman is a science and engineering librarian at Washington State University. She liaises with biological systems engineering, civil and environmental engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, mechanical engineering, and materials engineering. Erin M. Rowley is the head of Science and Engineering Library Services and is the engineering librarian at the University at Buffalo, working with students, faculty, and staff in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Before joining the university, she worked as a corporate research librarian at a consumer products testing laboratory for nearly nine years using standards from around the world on a daily basis. Margaret Phillips is an engineering information specialist and associate professor in the Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies. She is the liaison to the engineering technology, industrial engineering, and nuclear engineering departments, and acts as the standards librarian. Daniela Solomon is a research and engagement librarian at Case Western Reserve University where she is the liaison to the Case School of Engineering, and manages the on-demand standards service.