PrefacePART I: QuestionsChapter 1. Psychiatric Assessment and ConsultationChapter 2. Legal and Ethical IssuesChapter 3. Psychological Responses to IllnessChapter 4. DeliriumChapter 5. DementiaChapter 6. Aggression and Violence in the General HospitalChapter 7. DepressionChapter 8. SuicidalityChapter 9. Psychosis, Mania, and CatatoniaChapter 10. Anxiety DisordersChapter 11. Somatic Symptom Disorder and Illness Anxiety DisorderChapter 12. Deception Syndromes: Factitious Disorders and MalingeringChapter 13. Eating DisordersChapter 14. Sleep DisordersChapter 15. Sexual DysfunctionsChapter 16. Substance-Related DisordersChapter 17. Heart DiseaseChapter 18. Lung DiseaseChapter 19. Gastrointestinal DisordersChapter 20. Renal DiseaseChapter 21. Endocrine and Metabolic DisordersChapter 22. OncologyChapter 23. HematologyChapter 24. RheumatologyChapter 25. Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia SyndromesChapter 26. Infectious DiseasesChapter 27. DermatologyChapter 28. SurgeryChapter 29. Organ TransplantationChapter 30. Neurology and NeurosurgeryChapter 31. Obstetrics and GynecologyChapter 32. PediatricsChapter 33. Physical Medicine and RehabilitationChapter 34. PainChapter 35. Medical ToxicologyChapter 36. PsychopharmacologyChapter 37. PsychotherapyChapter 38. Electroconvulsive Therapy and Other Brain Stimulation TherapiesChapter 39. Palliative CarePART II: Answer Guide