TORIN M. FINSER, PhD, has served Waldorf education for more than four decades, first as a class teacher and later as the Director and faculty member of the Waldorf Teacher Education Program at Antioch Uni-versity New England. A former General Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in America, he also helped found the Center for Anthroposophy in New Hampshire. His research and writ-ings have reached people all over the world, including several books that have been translated into multiple languages. Torin has served as a consultant, workshop leader, and keynote speaker at numerous conferences. He is married to Karine, has six children, and is also now a very happy grandfather!
1. Loss of Childhood
2. Ethical Judgment
3. Evil
4. Transformation through Sacrifice
5. Character Education through Waldorf Education
6. Sustainability
7. Boys
8. Education through the Senses
9. Inclusive Recreation: Play
10. Will
11. Peace through Wholeness
12. Unconditional Hospitality
13. Forgiveness and the Last Supper
14. Advocates of Nonviolence
15. A Bill of Rights for Children