Introduction to Asia-Pacific Security Andrew Carr and Joanne WallisPart I: The Changing Asia-Pacific Security Order1. Can The United States Share Power In The Asia-Pacific? Brad Glosserman2 . Is China an Asia-Pacific Great Power?Lowell Dittmer3. Are India and Japan Potential Members of the Great Power Club?H. D. P. Envall and Ian Hall 4. Are Middle Powers on a Collision Course in the Asia-Pacific? Andrew Carr5. Why are Small States a Security Concern in the Asia-Pacific? Joanne Wallis Part II: Current and Emerging Security Challenges6. Military Modernization and Arms-Racing in the Asia-PacificTim Huxley and Brendan Taylor7. Maritime Security: Will Asia's Next War Occur at Sea? James Manicom8. What Threat do Terrorism and Insurgency Pose in the Asia-Pacific? Christopher Paul and Nick Nelson9. How Relevant are Internal and NonTraditional Security Challenges in the Asia Pacific? Alistair D.B. Cook10. How Is the Cyber Revolution Changing Asia-Pacific National Security Concerns? Rex B. Hughes Part III: Security Solutions 11. Can Multilateralism and Security Communities Bring Security to the Asia-Pacific? Mathew Davies12. Is Human Security a Solution? Sarah TeittConclusion: What is the Asia-Pacific's Likely Security Future? Brendan Taylor and William T. Tow GlossaryList of ContributorsIndex