Part I: Phonology Chapter 1: SoundsSound CombinationsGeneral Sound Changes Introduction to Parts II and III Chapter 2: Morphological Principles Part IIA: Base Forms Chapter 3: Verb Patterns Chapter 4: Adjective Patterns Chapter 5: Noun Patterns Part IIB: Inflectional Forms Chapter 6: Verb InflectionChapter 7: Adjective InflectionChapter 8: Noun Inflection Part IIIA: Derivational Categories Chapter 9: Verb Derivation Chapter 10: Adjective DerivationChapter 11: Noun Derivation Part IIIB: Inflectional Categories Chapter 12: Tense Chapter 13: ModeChapter 14: Person, Number, and Gender Part IV: Syntax Chapter 15: Syntactical Principles and ConstructionsChapter 16: Predication and ExtrapositionChapter 17: Complementation Chapter 18: Annexion and PrepositionsChapter 19: AttributionChapter 20: SupplementationChapter 21: Substitution Index