Foreword by Gen. Jim Mattis, USMC (Ret.) Acknowledgments Introduction: Learning Counterinsurgency Part 1: The Strategic Cultures of Americans, The US Military, and Marines 1. Know Thyself: Turning the Strategic Culture Tool Inward 2. Bounding the Possible: The Impact of US National and Military Cultures on Counterinsurgency Practice 3. Life in the Seams: Establishing Marine Corps Identity and Role 4. Brothers in Arms: Marine Norms and Values 5. "We Do Windows": Marine Norms and Perceptual Lens Part 2: Marines Across A Century of Counterinsurgency Practice 6. Setting the Stage: Small Wars and the American Mind7. Contrasting Nation-Building in the Caribbean and Vietnam: Efficiency and Order as Enemies of Democracy 8. Counterinsurgency Readiness from Haiti to Vietnam: The Consequences of Craving Conventional War9. Counterinsurgency in Iraq: Experiencing the Learning Curve Conclusion: Lessons Learned and Lessons Lost Bibliography Index About the Author