Designing Streets for Kids

ISLAND PRESSISBN: 9781642830712

Sale price$84.99

By: By Association of City Transportation Officials, Global Designing Cities Initiative
Release Date:


About this Guide
Streets for Kids Around the World
Section A: Designing Streets for Kids
1.0 Street Users and Their Needs
1.1 A Variety of Street Users
2.0 Why Design Streets for Kids and Caregivers?
2.1The Benefits of Designing Streets for Kids
2.2 Risks and Challenges in the Twenty-First Century
2.3 Kids, Design, and Urban Streets: A Brief History
3.0 Streets for Kids: Key Principles
3.1 Key Principles
Section B: Street Design Elements
4.0 What Do Children and Caregivers Need from the Street?
4.1 Independent and Improved Mobility
4.2 Places to Pause, Stay, and Play
5.0 Planning and Design at Multiple Scales
5.1 Approaching Design from Multiple Scales
6.0 Elements of Streets for Kids
6.1 Street Design Elements
Section C: Street Design Strategies
7.0 Street Design Strategies
7.1 Activate: Make the Most of What You Have
7.2 Slow Vehicles
7.3 Reduce the Number of Cars
7.4 Reclaim Space in Streets for Children and Caregivers
7.5 Integrate Adjacent Public and Building Spaces
8.0 Contextualizing Street Transformations
8.1 Large Streets
8.2 Neighborhood Streets
8.3 Residential Streets
8.4 Streets Near Kids' Facilities
8.5 Intersections
8.6 Miscellaneous
Section D: How to Make Change Happen
9.0 Planning and Implementing Change
9.1 Action Place: How to Implement Streets for Kids
9.2 Making a Strong Case for Children
9.3 Involving Stakeholders
9.4 Seeing is Believing: Demonstrating Possibilities
9.5 Operations
9.6 Measuring, Evaluating, and Monitoring
9.7 Raising Awareness and Sharing Knowledge
10.0 Empowering Change
10.1 Programs
10.2 Policies
10.3 Comprehensive Approach Resources/Appendix


"Streets designed for the safety of children aren't just safer, they are the foundation of a city with less driving, less traffic, and less pollution. This guide lays the groundwork for all street users to have healthier, happier lives."

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