Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is a recognized expert and thought leader on the culinary, social, ethical, and practical aspects of living compassionately, healthfully, and sustainably. An award-winning author of seven books--including the bestselling The Joy of Vegan Baking, The 30-Day Vegan Challenge, and The Joyful Vegan: How to Stay Vegan in a World that Wants You to Eat Meat, Dairy, and Eggs--Colleen is also an acclaimed speaker, a regular contributor to National Public Radio, and the host of sustainable, vegan, animal-friendly trips around the world. Host of Food for Thought Podcast (one of the longest running podcasts), Colleen also co-founded the political action committee East Bay Animal PAC to work with government officials on animal issues in the San Francisco Bay Area. She lives with her beloved husband and two cats in Oakland, CA and can be found at