Vincent R. Jones, Sr. is a highly accomplished professor, advocate, and legal scholar.
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Contents Preface Acknowledgments Introduction Chapter 1: The History of the Death Penalty: A Brief Overview Chapter 2: The Death Penalty: An Unjust and Arbitrarily Applied Penalty Chapter 3: The Financial Cost of Capital Punishment Makes It Illogical to Continue Its Use Chapter 4: Capital Punishment Runs Counter to the United States Constitution by Violating the 8th Admendments Prohibition against "Cruel and Unusual Punishment" Chapter 5: Lethal Injection: An Inherently Flawed Method of Execution Chapter 6: Bad Lawyers: The Unspoken Key to Many Death Sentences Chapter 7: The Persistent Problem of False Confessions in Death Penalty Cases Chapter 8: Wrongful Convictions, Innocence and the Death Penalty Chapter 9: LWOP: The Alternative to Capital Punishment Chapter 10: Final Considerations: Capital Punishment Bibliography About the Author