Throughout time, African civilizations have manoeuvred and negotiated successfully to maintain their societies and ensure cultural continuity despite encountering expanding trade, foreign invasion, and imposition of colonial and neocolonial states. The Narrative of Africa Rising: Changing Perspectives evaluates the discourse on "Africa Rising" through representative case studies to create a complex and layered account of Africa's struggles to rise above challenges and conflict in the twenty-first century. Using empirical data and field observations, editors Darlingtina K. Esiaka and Jamaine Abidogun measure Africa's complex and uneven development over time to provide insight into how Africans across the continent utilize indigenous socio-political economic processes in the face of neocolonial "nation state" systems that routinely fail them. Africa's twenty-first century rise is erratic as it struggles to undo the damage of colonialism and to fight neocolonial exploitation, but what stands the test of time are African civilizations' sophisticated societal institutions that continue to vie for the wellbeing of their citizens.