The Middle East

Crises, Conflicts, and Wars

Sale price$283.00

Edited by Arda OEzkan, Pinar Yueruer, Contributions by Beguem Kurtulus Abdulhayoglu, Sebnem Koeser Akcapar, Atay Akdevelioglu, Ayse OEmuer Atmaca, Gizem Bilgin Aytac, Burcu Sunar Cankurtaran, Osman Cati, Yusuf Cinar
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Arda OEzkan is assistant professor at Ankara University, Department of International Trade and Logistics. Pinar Yueruer is associate professor of political science and international relations at Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.

"This comprehensive volume is an important original contribution to understand the main dynamics and challenges in the contemporary Middle Eastern politics. As some the articles deconstruct the main dynamics of conflicts, civil wars and sectarian divisions in different countries of the region; some of them examine foreign policies of different countries in a changing regional setting. In addition, important issues, like water, energy and migration, are dealt with in detailed analyses. As the conflicts and wars in the Middle East still dominate the global arena, the articles in the book shed light not only on the internal political dimensions of the regional countries, but also help the reader to make more sense of global politics as well. Without peace in the Middle East, there will not be peace in the world. Original scientific studies, like this volume, will help us to grasp the main challenges in the region and hopefully motivate us to work more for a peaceful regional and global order." --Birguel Demirtas, Turkish-German University

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