The plight of citizens being victims of violence, politicking, power tussle, inconsistent government policies, and approaches to resolving the protracted conflict between Offa and Erinle (also known as Erin-Ile) from independence to now defines and explains the intractability between these two groups. Understanding Protraction and the Intractability of Conflicts: The Case of Offa and Erinle, Kwara State, Nigeria, by Yakub Jide Yahaya, examines a sensitive and problematic socio-cultural aspect of intra-ethnic conflicts where two promising communities have ignored trade development and urbanization and settled for pettiness and violence. The book searches into the unique area of intra-ethnic conflicts while providing a background for understanding this conflict, highlighting the nuances ignored in the discussion. Above all, it highlights the underlying issues called 'land conflict' across Nigeria and Africa.