Maria Ong is a senior research scientist at TERC. She is a member and former co-chair of the Social Science Advisory Board of the National Center for Women & Information Technology and an advisor to the Arizona State University Center for Gender Equity in Science and Technology.
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Centering and relaying the experiences of women of color in physics through their lenses and voices, over the course of a 25-year study, Ong masterfully illuminates barriers and navigation strategies that inform us all on how to ensure positive career trajectories for everyone." -Gilda Barabino, president, Olin College "Grounded in research and practice, this compelling book skillfully reveals the experiences of women of color navigating systemic challenges in the field of physics. The individual distinctiveness and the interconnections among the women are highlighted, leading to persuasive recommendations for organizational and cultural change in the field." -Sharon Fries-Britt, professor of higher education, University of Maryland