1 Thomas Adam, Transnational History: A Program for Research, Publishing, and Teaching Articles 2 Donna Gabaccia, Thoughts on the Future of Transnational History 3 Matthias Middell, The Intercultural Transfer Paradigm in its Transnational and Transregional Setting 4 Kristen D. Burton, From British Export to French Expansion: How France Globalized Organized Soccer 5 Debra Reddin van Tuyll, Transnational History and Journalism: A Case Study of John Mitchel 6 William Roka, Building Luxurious Ocean Liners for the Traveling Transatlantic Elite in the Early Twentieth Century 7 Giacomo Canepa, The Transatlantic Transfers of Social Policies in the Context of UNRRA's 'Rehabilitation' of Post-World-War-II Italy 8 Alexander Golovlev, Sounds of Music from Across the Sea: Musical Transnationality in Early Post-World-War II Austria 9 Amber N. Nickell, Time to Show the Kremlin America's Full House": The Committee for Human Rights in the Soviet Union, Rabbi Gedalyah Engel, and their Refusenik Adoptees, 1977-1992 Review Articles 10 Margrit Pernau, A Field in Search of its Identity. Recent Introductions to Global History 11 Daryl Leeworthy and Colin D. Howell, Observing from the Border: Sport, Borderlands, and the Margins of the Transnational in the North Atlantic World 12 Susanne Lachenicht, The Summer Academy of Atlantic History (SAAH) 13 Austin E. Loignon, Decades Across the Sea: An Assessment of the Movements and Workshops of Transatlantic History at the University of Texas at Arlington in the Past Two Decades Biographical Notes of Contributors