John Sharkey, MSc, is a clinical anatomist, exercise physiologist, and prominent figure in the field of fascia science. Over four decades, he has dedicated his career to unraveling the complexities of human anatomy and the integral role of fascia-focused therapy in health and chronic pain management. Sharkey’s work in the area of fascia has been pioneering, illuminating the crucial functions of fascia in maintaining structural integrity, facilitating movement, and contributing to overall health as well as its impact on local and global pain.
Sharkey has extensive fascia therapy skills. He has performed dissections in medical universities around the world, including the University of Padua in Italy, Griffith College in Australia, Tufts University in the United States, and the world-famous von Hagen’s Plastinarium in Germany. Additionally, he serves as the program leader for the highly acclaimed series of fascia-focused Human Anatomy Dissection programs, delivered at King’s College London in England, University of Dundee in Scotland, The Ohio State University in the United States, Trecchi Human Academy in Italy, and University of Technology in Australia.
Sharkey is a proponent of the fasciategrity-anatomy for the twenty-first century model, which incorporates research specific to fascia and tensegrity sciences. Recognized as one of the foremost experts in the world on fascia and biotensegrity, he specializes in teaching sensorial touch through fascia therapy. Furthermore, he serves on the editorial boards of professional journals such as the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies and the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine.
Foreword by Joanne Avison
Why This Book Is Important for Fascia-Focused Therapists
The History and Genesis of Fascia-Focused Therapies
MTrPs—Welcome Home
Part I. Theory
Chapter 1. Fascia and Tensegrity—A Fasciategrity Perspective
Chapter 2. Integrated “Anatomy for the Twenty-First Century”—Building Blocks
Chapter 3. Muscles, Tensegrity, Fascia, and the Kinetic System
Part II. Practice
Chapter 4. Myofascial Trigger Points—Assessment and Treatment
Chapter 5. Patient Assessment and Treatment Protocols
Part III. Review of the Major Skeletal Muscles and Referred Pain Patterns
Chapter 6. Muscles of the Face, Head, and Neck
Chapter 7. Muscles of the Trunk
Chapter 8. Muscles of the Shoulder and Upper Arm
Chapter 9. Muscles of the Forearm and Hand
Chapter 10. Muscles of the Hip and Thigh
Chapter 11. Muscles of the Leg and Foot