Punks in Suits

RETHINK PRESSISBN: 9781781338469

How to lead the workplace reformation

Sale price$38.99

By: By Blaire Palmer
Release Date:


Former BBC Journalist Blaire Palmer has spent more than two decades provoking, challenging, guiding and encouraging senior executives and their teams, as they figure out how to lead in unprecedented times. Today she shares her ideas with audiences around the world as a keynote conference speaker, inspiring them to leave a legacy they can be proud of and reveal more of the punk underneath their suit. Learn more at www.thatpeoplething.com

Introduction: How Soon Is Now? - 1 Technology: The Inhuman League - 2 Trust: Anarchy In The Workplace - 3 Hierarchy: Stairway To The Boardroom - 4 Leadership: Not Born To Run - 5 Change: Talkin' 'Bout A Reformation - 6 A Force For Good: Goody Two Shoes - 7 Punks In Suits: Conclusion - References - Acknowledgements - The Author


'Read this if you want to cut through the noise, understand the signal, and succeed in tomorrow's world.' - L. David Marquet, retired United States Navy captain and bestselling author of Turn the Ship Around and Leadership Is Language 'Having grown up at the end of the original punk era in the 1970s, I feel I owe it a lot, for discovering the essence of individuality and conformist rejection. I've often thought the world of work needed a bit of a punk revolution. Blaire's brought that to us with a twist. Necessary rebellion, anarchic approaches to distributing power and an antiestablishment vibe that gives us a chance to remove the bland and grey of the world of work in favour of shocking pink, tartan and an attitude to restore the expression of difference. I'm with Blaire in the antihierarchical league, the positive dissent, and I'm with the rebellious shift to a new wave of radical opposition to the corporate facade of work.' - Perry Timms, MCIPD & FRSA, founder & chief energy officer, People & Transformational HR Ltd, author of Transformational HR and The Energized Workplace, voted HR's 'Most Influential Thinker' in 2022 'A crisply written account of the big themes leaders need to consider about our modern workplaces, transformed forever by Covid, remote working and new tech like artificial intelligence. A thought-provoking primer for business leaders looking to get the most out of a modern workforce by moving beyond the tired, old strategies designed for Industrial-Age management.' - Dougal Shaw, BBC journalist and author of CEO Secrets 'Business leaders have talked about the importance of humans, organisational culture and employee engagement for decades. It must now go from simple talk, to leading, to real change. In Punks in Suits, Blaire Palmer clearly spells out why today's leaders must grasp the nettle, and the questions they need to answer to leave their organisations in a healthy state for the next generation.' - Jez Rose, behaviour insight advisor, keynote speaker and author of Flip the Switch 'In an era where AI elevates our processes, Blaire's book brilliantly reminds us that our most crucial role as leaders is to be profoundly human. She eloquently highlights the quintessential human skills that will distinguish us in today's and tomorrow's workplaces. This work is compelling and challenging; it's a vital blueprint for our role in humanity and leadership.' - Ian Hughes, CEO, Consumer Intelligence 'Blaire is a beacon of light for leadership, busting common myths that surround many leadership styles and thinking. This book intentionally pokes you with uncomfortable questions which reach the depths of your soul. It's a compelling and perceptive read, challenging our yesterdays against the future of leadership for the next generation and after. Not just another leadership book, but one that gets you on track for change, backed with podcast interviews to help deepen the narrative and understanding. Every chapter leaves you wanting to change the world... well, the workplace anyhow!' - Kathy Sharkey, HR director, Rexel UK Ltd 'Not many business books are page-turners, but this one is. Punks in Suits urges leaders to step back from the daily hustle of work and consider the mark they want to leave on their organisations and people. On your day of retirement, will you look back and feel proud of how you changed things for the better? Or will you have left that challenge for the next generation? These are powerful questions that Blaire Palmer asks us to reflect on, and it's difficult to resist the subsequent route she paves out for reforming how we lead. This book is not just a call to arms - it offers direction and clarity on big, messy topics that we cannot afford to ignore as leaders.' - Becky Norman, managing editor of HRZone and TrainingZone 'This superb book, meticulously researched yet thoroughly readable, challenges leaders to find the 'punk' under their suit, who's willing to say what's wrong with an outdated system and do something about it. The rise of the 'nonhuman workforce' (robots, AI) means we must move beyond the days of seeing people as slightly unreliable machines so we can embrace what makes us truly human - emotion, purpose, trust, values, humour, the abilities to improvise and to collaborate - while also having a life outside work. Blaire brilliantly shows why leaders should be more humble yet braver in helping us all to create a more humane future.' - Neil Mullarkey, speaker, author, co-founder of the Comedy Store Players 'In Punks in Suits, Blaire Palmer brilliantly challenges the status quo of leadership and organisational management with a refreshing and revolutionary perspective. Her insightful examination of contemporary business practices against the backdrop of a rapidly evolving technological and societal landscape is both enlightening and provocative. Palmer's call for a human-centric approach in the workplace, integrating empathy, creativity, and connectivity, is a timely and urgent narrative in an era dominated by AI and digital transformation. This book is a compelling read for anyone aspiring to redefine leadership, foster innovation, and drive positive change in the modern business world. Punks in Suits is not just a critique of traditional business models; it's a roadmap for building more empowering, dynamic, and humane organisations in the twenty-first century.' - Oluwaseyi Kehinde-Peters, founder of the Pan African Women Empowerment Network (PAWEN) 'This is a great book for anyone who is interested in changing the world of work and making it fit for the future. It explains how we still take a Victorian approach to organisations which now use technologies such as AI and smart supply chains and have embraced trends like remote working and employee well-being. This, Palmer says, has to change. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to make work work.' - Rhymer Rigby, journalist for the Financial Times, The Times and The Guardian

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