Technology is at the heart of learning for all of us and every teacher needs to be using social media, mobile technologies and transformational digital learning opportunities as an integral part of their range of strategies for helping students make the maximum progress.
In this book in the Perfect series, Mark Anderson, the ICT Evangelist', takes the technology-related elements of all the recent subject reports from Ofsted and using them offers clear and practical strategies that are proven to be successful in classrooms and offers up ideas for how they can be turned into a daily reality for all teachers.
The key subject is the use of ICT, however many other subjects are covered, i.e. The book is applicable to all subject areas across all key stage areas and readers will learn about how ICT can be used in every lesson across both Primary and Secondary phases.
- Practical advice and examples set against backdrop of real life examples
- Practical advice on how to cope with the E-safety aspect of an Ofsted inspection
- The use of education hash tags including: EdTech, Mlearning, iPaded.