1: The beginnings of night fighting in World War I; 2: Between the wars; 3: Night fighting in World War II: Evolution and operations until the end of 1940; 4: Developments during the British individual and wave raids of 1941-1942; 5: Battle against the bomber streams May 1942-July 1943; 6: Free night fighting July 1943-May 1944; 7:The hunters become the hunted; Epilogue; Appendix 1: List of abbreviations with translations; Appendix 2: Formation dates of main Luftwaffe night fighter units; Appendix 3: Commanding Officers of night fighter Geschwader and Gruppen; Appendix 4: The night fighter aces; Appendix 5: German night fighter successes 1940-1945; Appendix 6: Most successful German night fighter pilots 1940-1945; Appendix 7: Series of five or more victories in one night; Appendix 8: Monthly survey of German night fighter successes over the Reich territory and the occupied areas of Western Europe; Appendix 9: Confirmed Mosquito kills; Appendix 10: Major German airborne electronic systems; Appendix 11: Major ground control radars (situation July 1944); Appendix 12: Luftwaffe night fighters: technical data; Appendix 13: Major powerplants: technical data; Appendix 14: Night fighter guns: technical data; Appendix 15: German night fighter production 1941-1945; Appendix 16: Inventory of operational night fighters January-September 1944; Appendix 17: Radio code words and expressions used by Luftwaffe night fighter crews, with translations; Appendix 18: German night fighter camouflage and markings; Appendix 19: Code markings of night fighter Geschwader, Gruppen and independent Staffeln; Appendix 20: Identification markings; Appendix 21: Deployment of Luftwaffe night fighter formations on the Eastern Front; Archival sources; Bibliography; Acknowledgements.