Foreword; Preface and Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1 The Domestic Environment, Home and Family: 1.1 Accidents and Fires; 1.2 Alcohol; 1.3 Food and Dining; 1.4 Family Health; 1.5 Family Wealth; 1.6 Servants; 1.7 Stanway Vicarage and Vicarage Farm; 1.8 Travels,Journeys, Tours and Holidays; 1.9 Upper Slaughter Rectory; 1.10 Upper Slaughter Rectory Farm; 1.11 Upper Slaughter Rectory Garden; 1.12 Upper Slaughter Rectory Stabling; 1.13 Upper Slaughter Parish Church; 2 Art, Music, Pastimes and Theatre: 2.1 The Arts; 2.1.1 Art Galleries and Exhibitions; 2.1.2 Drawings, Engravings and Paintings Viewed; 2.1.3 Panoramas Viewed; 2.1.4 Sculptures and Memorials; 2.1.5 Fine Furniture; 2.2 Books, Pamphlets, Sermons and Tracts; 2.3 Botanizing and Sketching; 2.4 Balls, Dances and Dancing; 2.5 Indoor Pastimes; 2.5.1 Billiards; 2.5.2 Board Games; 2.5.3 Playing Cards; 2.6 Outdoor Pastimes; 2.6.1 Picnics; 2.6.2 Rowing and Sailing; 2.6.3 Skating and Sledging; 2.6.4 Swimming and Bathing; 2.7 Music; 2.7.1 General; 2.7.2 After Dinner Music and Singing at Home and Away; 2.8 Theatre; 2.8.1 Concerts; 2.8.2 Operas; 2.8.3 Opera Comments; 2.8.4 Plays; 2.8.5 Plays and Entertainments Comments; 3 Society, the Law, Local Governance, Education and Public Health: 3.1 Crime; 3.1.1 Arson, Bestiality, Felony, Homicide, Infanticide and Parricide; 3.1.2 Francis Witts as a Justice of the Peace; 3.1.3 Prisons in Gloucestershire and Elsewhere; 3.1.4 Transportation; 3.1.5 Executions; 3.2 Police; 3.2.1 Stow-on-the-Wold Police Association; 3.2.2 Gloucestershire Constabulary; 3.3 The Labouring Class and the Poor Law; 3.3.1 The Labouring Class, Agricultural Labourers; 3.3.2 Illegitimacy, Parish Removals and Vagrancy; 3.3.3 Stow-on-the-Wold Union Workhouse; 3.3.4 Other Union Workhouses; 3.4 Births and Deaths Registration Acts and Censuses; 3.5 Riots, Strikes, Sedition Trials, Social Unrest, Industrial Disorder and the Corn Laws 3.6 Emigration; 3.7 Local Governance; 3.8 Public Health; 3.8.1 Prevalent Diseases and Mental Illness; 3.8.2 Preventative Measures and Sanitation; 3.8.3 Medicines and Medical Procedures; 3.8.4 Gloucester Infirmary; 3.8.5 Gloucester Lunatic Asylum; 3.8.6 Private Asylums and other Mental Health Matters; 3.8.7 Suicide; 3.9 Education; 3.10 Libraries; 3.10.1 Stow Book Society and Library; 3.11 Community Entertainment and Fairs; 3.12 Societies, Clubs, Associations and Charities; 4 Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, Transport and Infrastructure: 4.1 Agriculture; 4.1.1 Allotments; 4.1.2 General Comments on Agriculture; 4.1.3 Fishing and Fisheries; 4.1.4 The Potato Famine; 4.2 Banking; 4.2.1 The Banking Crisis of 1825; 4.2.2 Banks and Bankers; 4.3 Commerce and Industry in General; 4.3.1 Coal and Heavy Industries; 4.3.2 Textile Industries; 4.3.3 Paper Mills; 4.3.4 Potteries, Bricks and Ceramics; 4.3.5 Quarries and Mines; 4.4 Transport; 4.4.1 Stagecoaches; 4.4.2 Railways; 4.4.3 Ships and Shipping; 4.4.4 Specifically Named Ships; 4.5 Lodgings, Public Houses, Inns and Hotels; 4.5.1 Beer Houses and Public Houses; 4.5.2 Lodgings; 4.5.3 Inns and Hotels; 4.6 Country Houses; 4.7 Infrastructure; 4.7.1 Docks, Ports and Shipyards; 4.7.2 Roads and Turnpike Trusts; 4.7.3 Bridges; 4.7.4 Canals; 4.7.5 Town and City Development; 5 The Establishment: Politics, Religion, the Armed Forces and International Affairs: 5.1 The Royal Family; 5.2 State Government, Parliament and Politics; 5.2.1 Parliament and Prime Ministers; 5.2.2 Political Extremists; 5.2.3 True Blues and Elections; 5.3 The Church of England; 5.3.1 Bishops and Senior Clergy; 5.3.2 Church Building and Improvements; 5.3.3 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge [SPCK]; 5.3.4 The Bible Society; 5.3.5 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts [SPG]; 5.3.6 National Society for the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church; 5.3.7 Church Missionary Society; 5.3.8 Society for the Conversion of the Jews; 5.3.9 Society for the Enlargement of Churches and Chapels; 5.3.10 Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Church Building Association; 5.3.11 Stow Clerical Society; 5.3.12 Archdeacon's and Bishop's Visitations; 5.3.13 Tractarians and Anti-Tractarians; 5.3.14 Evangelicalism and Low Church; 5.4 The Roman Catholic Church; 5.5 Nonconformists and other Protestant Christian Denominations; 5.6 Other Religions; 5.6.1 Buddhism; 5.6.2 Hinduism and Indians; 5.6.3 Islam; 5.6.4 Judaism; 5.7 The Armed Forces; 5.7.1 The Army; 5.7.2 The Royal Navy; 5.8 International Affairs; 5.9 Ireland and the Irish; 5.10 East India Company; 6 Abstract and Miscellaneous: 6.1 Antiquities, Archaeology and Ecclesiology; 6.2 Geology; 6.3 Hunting, Field Sports and Angling; 6.4 Sport; 6.4.1 Archery; 6.4.2 Bowls; 6.4.3 Cricket; 6.4.4 Tennis; 6.4.5 Prize Fighting; 6.4.6 Fencing and Duelling; 6.4.7 Boat Racing; 6.4.8 Horse Racing; 6.4.9 Games and Sport in General; 6.5 Gardens and Horticulture; 6.6 Notable Weather Events; 6.7 Slavery, and the Abolition of Slavery; 6.8 Miscellaneous; 6.8.1 Balloons and Kites; 6.8.2 The Sandywell Cause; 6.8.3 The Tracy Peerage Case; 6.8.4 Mortgages; Biographical Index A to Z.