Crown House Publishing have worked closely with WJEC on a new series of endorsed textbooks for modern foreign languages covering the reformed GCSEs for Wales, taught from 2016 and awarded for the first time in 2018. These textbooks, covering the French, German and Spanish GCSE qualifications, have been designed in conjunction with examiners, specification developers and experienced teachers to support learners through the challenges of the new specifications. They are designed for the teaching of French, German and Spanish through the medium of Welsh.
They offer engaging and relevant content and provide comprehensive coverage of the WJEC themes and sub-themes, incorporating all of the new exam components, including: Literary and authentic texts Listening and reading tasks that correspond to specification requirements Role plays, photo cards and conversation questions Translation (from and into Spanish) Increased focus on grammar including grammar in context sections Opportunities for stretch and challenge
Mae Crown House Publishing wedi gweithio'n agos gyda CBAC ar gyfres newydd o werslyfrau wedi eu cymeradwyo ar gyfer ieithoedd tramor modern sy'n cyd-fynd a'r cymwysterau TGAU diwygiedig yng Nghymru, i'w haddysgu o 2016 ymlaen a'u dyfarnu am y tro cyntaf yn 2018. Mae'r gwerslyfrau hyn, ar gyfer cymwysterau TGAU Ffrangeg, Almaeneg a Sbaeneg, wedi cael eu dylunio ar y cyd ag arholwyr, datblygwyr y manylebau ac athrawon profiadol i gefnogi dysgwyr drwy heriau'r manylebau newydd. Fe'u cynlluniwyd i addysgu Ffrangeg, Almaeneg a Sbaeneg drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.
Mae'r cynnwys yn ddiddorol ac yn berthnasol ac yn ymdrin yn gynhwysfawr a themau ac is-themau CBAC, gan ymgorffori pob un o'r unedau arholiad newydd, gan gynnwys: Testunau llenyddol a gwreiddiol Tasgau gwrando a darllen sy'n cyfateb i ofynion y fanyleb Tasgau chwarae rol, cardiau llun a chwestiynau sgwrs Cyfieithiad (o ac i'r Sbaeneg) Mwy o sylw i ramadeg gan gynnwys gramadeg gan gynnwys adrannau 'Gramadeg yn ei gyd-destun' Cyfleoedd i ymestyn a herio