A ground-breaking new book that puts the spotlight on improving the performance level of individuals and teams working in organisations.
Learning is far too important to neglect or remain on the 'nice to do' list; without effective learning in an organisation, it will soon suffer from stagnation, de-motivation, a lack of curiosity and, eventually, obsolescence. But there are many barriers to effective learning.
Cognitive overload - the sheer amount of information that people need to process is at unprecedented levels Relational Trust - where there is a fear of failing and a sense that setbacks will be attributed to individuals, not the learning process, lack of trust can be a barrier Perception Gaps - where people don't fully realise how effective or ineffective they are, can lead some individuals and teams to be closed to learning. Their view might be "I'm ok, as I am, this doesn't apply to me"
The Learning Imperative, written by bestselling authors and learning specialists Mark Burns and Andy Griffith, addresses these barriers and provides practical strategies for overcoming them. But even overcoming these barriers far from guarantees effective learning so the authors then guide the reader through the key principles in designing learning that directly improves performance: Establishing accurate starting points - Without accurate pre-assessment, the level of challenge may unwittingly be pitched too high for people. At the opposite extreme, there is the risk of designing learning that teaches no one anything new because they already have the knowledge, attitude, skills and habits (KASH) you are trying to develop! Defining and de-mystifying the desired learning destination - Learning is too often ineffective because those leading the process have not mapped out the objectives effectively. Creating the space for deliberate practice and feedback - Cognitive research points to the importance of deliberately designing challenge and deep thinking into the learning process so that a permanent change in the long-term memory of the individual is achieved
The principles of effective learning apply to the full continuum of what might be perceived as learning and development, from informal conversations at a desk over a cup of coffee to more formal situations such as meetings, coaching/mentoring sessions and training programmes.
Suitable for leaders, managers and the individual alike, The Learning Imperative will enable the reader to improve both their own learning ability and that of their organisation.