AcknowledgementsPreface and Welcome
Introduction to Section One: The Ground1. An Integrative Psychotherapy for the 21st Century2. The Current and Future Challenge for our World and for Psychotherapy 3. Identity in Search of a Self4. What does it mean to be mentally healthy and how does Psychotherapy help?
Introduction to Section Two: The Roots5. History of Psychotherapy Until 19456. History of Psychotherapy After 1945
Introduction to Section Three: The Stems and Strands7. Relational Psychotherapy8. Systemic Approaches to Psychotherapy9.Embracing the Wider Ecology in Psychotherapy
Introduction to Section Four: The Fruits and Flowers10. Psychotherapy Practice - Creating the Frame11. Psychotherapy Practice - Integrating the Approaches12. Integrative Supervision13. Integrative Psychotherapy Ethics14. Integrative Psychotherapy Training15. Bringing it all Together and Leaning into the Future