The Handbook of Therapeutic Care for Children


Evidence-Informed Approaches to Working with Traumatized Children and Adolescents in Foster, Kinship and Adoptive Care

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Edited by Joe Tucci, Janise Mitchell, Edward Tronick, Contributions by Martin H. Teicher, Orgilmaa Munkbaatar, Allan N. Schore, Kathomi Gatwiri, Bruce D. Perry, Glenda Kickett, Shaun Chandran
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Janise Mitchell is Deputy CEO of the Australian Childhood Foundation, a social worker and a childrens rights advocate.

Joe Tucci is CEO of the Australian Childhood Foundation, a social worker, a psychologist and a childrens rights advocate.

Ed Tronick is Distinguished University Professor of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts and Director of Child Development Unit at the University of Massachusetts.

1. The Need for a New in the Care and Support of Children in Foster, Relative and Adoptive Care. 2. What are the Key Elements of Therapeutic Care? 3. Understanding the Needs of Vulnerable Children: The Importance of Type and Timing of Maltreatment on Brain Development and Risks (Martin Teicher and Orgilmaa Munkbaatar, Belmont MA). 4. The Fundamental Role of the Mother in the Interpersonal Neurobiological Origins of Mutual Love (Allan Schore, Northridge CA). 5. ""Support and love and all that stuff"": Evidence of impact in the Treatment and Care for Kids Program (Lynne McPherson and Kathomi Gatwiri, Coolangatta and Bilinga, Australia). 6. The Neurosequential Model: A developmentally-sensitive, neuroscience-informed approach to clinical problem solving (Bruce Perry, Chattanooga, TN). 7. Dabakan kooyliny - go slowly, walk slowly, go together: Culturally Strong Therapeutic Care for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Children, Families and Communities (Glenda Kickett and Shaun Chandran, Perth, Australia). 8. Children in Kinship Care: Issues for Promoting their Mental Health (Elaine Farmer and Meredith Kiraly, Bristol, UK and Victoria, Australia). 9. Therapeutic Care Teams: Horizontal Teams in the Vertical World of Out of Home Care (Noel MacNamara, Banora Point, Australia). 10. Defining the conceptual maps that resource the day to day interactions between carers and children to become more therapeutic (Daniel Hughes and Jonathan Baylin, South Portland, US and Wilmington, US). 11. Resetting the fabric of love: Real life applications that promote emotional connection in the day to day experience of looked after and adopted children and their parents (Kim Golding, Malvern, UK). 12. Expressive Arts Therapy as Self-Regulatory and Relational Interventions with Children and Caregivers (Cathy Malchiodi, Louisville, US). 13. Therapeutic Care as it Evolves.

Finally, a book that successfully addresses all of the complex bio-psycho-socialdevelopmentalconsequences of early trauma! Therapeutic C are treats the embodiedand encultured mind at each stage of life in a way that leverages the way the brainevolved to heal - in security and safety. Highly recommended. - Louis C ozolino Ph.D.,Professor of Psychology, Author of The Neuroscience of Human RelationshipsThe Handbook of Therapeutic Care is a wonderfully practical and readable guide for allof us dedicated to creating pathways to health for children exposed to chronic traumaand abuse - children who are stuck in an inner world filled with helplessness, chaos anddanger. Despite the multiplicity of voices of (outstanding) contributors, this handbookprovides a unified synthesis of practices that help us understand the pressures fromthe past on current behavior, and presents a comprehensive and well-tested model toprovide sensory, relational and emotional repair for children and young people whocarry the legacy of danger, abandonment, and unpredictability. This is the integrationwe have been waiting for. - Bessel A. van der Kolk MD, Medical Director, the TraumaC enter, Professor of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine, Author: NYT bestseller: The Body keeps the Score; mind, brain and body in the healing of trauma

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