Dear You. We Are In This Together by Dean Spade. Forward by Nyala Moon. Dear You by Alex Valdes and Lexie Bean. The Body. The Letters. Note To Self. Sincerely by Sawyer DeVuyst. PS. PPS, An Afterward by Lexie Bean. Guide for Professionals and Mentors by Ieshai Bailey. Letter Writers on their Letter Writing Experience. Mailbox: Contributors. Acknowledgements. Resource List. Further Reading
Written on the Body is one of the most honest and intimate portrayals of the emotional landscapes of survivors of sexual violence. This collection of writing is truths building history, a witness to pain, a friend to let you know that you are not alone. The harmony of these trans and non-binary voices that have been silenced for so long invite you to listen.
Cathartic Honest Intimate Free Histories Surender Defense Wisdom Pain Gentle