Sustaining Seas

Oceanic Space and the Politics of Care

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By Elspeth Probyn, Kate Johnston, Nancy Lee
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Section I: PRACTICES OF CARE Care, Ocean, SpaceProf Elspeth Probyn Oceanic Regime ShiftA/Prof Lesley Green Torres Strait Sea Country: Care in a time of crisisMr Charles David; Dr Leah Lui-Chivizhe; Ms Flora Warrior Speculative Harbouring at Blackwattle Bay: Interdisciplinary pedagogies and the politics of careDr Susanne Pratt and Dr Kate Johnston Section II: FISH AS FOOD: CONSUMING AND SUSTAINING The Multiple Meanings of Fish: The differentiation of sustainable seafood in AustraliaSonia Garcia Garcia and A/Prof Kate Barclay What is Fresh Fish? Meanings and knowledge among British and Portuguese eaters Dr Monica Truninger, Dr Joao Baptista, Dr Angela Meah, Prof David Evans, and Prof Peter Jackson.Late Nights and Live Tanks: Entanglements of caring at Golden Century Dr Nancy LeeHalal and Classy? The Practice of Globalisation in Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Culture in Contemporary IndonesiaArum Budiastuti Free Fish Heads: A case study of knowing and practicing seafood differently Dr Emma L Sharp Section III: RULING THE OCEANS Out of Sight, Out of Mind: The challenge of regulating the high seas fisheries Scientia Prof Rosemary Rayfuse Reframing Participation and Participatory Processes in Historical and Geographic Contexts: Knowledge insights and implications from Aotearoa New Zealand's multi-use/r marine spaces Le Heron, R; Blackett, P; Le Heron, E; Logie, J; Greenaway A; Hikuroa, D; Davies, K; Glavovic, B; Allen, W; Lundquist, C.When penalising harm propagates harm: Rethinking marine resource enforcement and relations from South AfricaDr Marieke Caring for Tuna of the Western Indian Ocean: Where politics and ecology meet Mialy Andriamahefazafy and Prof Christian A. Kull The Protection of Small-scale Fisheries in the Global Policymaking Through Food Sovereignty Dr Alana Mann Section IV: EMBODYING THE MARINE The Sea and the Breathing Dr Astrida Neimanis and Janet Laurence I Drain East to the Pacific Dr Jennifer Hamilton All Rhodes Lead to Rome: the epigenetic maternal-foetal effect of environmental xenobioticsClare Nicholson I am Phytoplankton Kassandra Bossell Section V: LIVING HUMAN/MARINE ECOSYSTEMS Operation Crayweed: Raising awareness about underwater forests in Sydney and beyond Dr Adriana VergesBuoyant Ecologies Float Lab (2,000 text and images)A/Prof Adam Marcus Geopolitics of Korean Reef UrbanismAmaia Sanchez-Velasco and Jorge Valiente Oriol Adaptive Landscapes: Urban Ecology at Coastal Edge (2,000 text and images) Gena WirthSugar vs the Reef: Case studies from coastal and marine environmental managementDr Lucas Ihlein; Kim Williams; Dr Sarah Hamylton Probing the Socio-cultural depths of a nature conservation conflict in the Outer Hebrides, ScotlandDr Ruth Brennan Section VI: THINKING WITH SEASThe Sea is Time: Contestations of temporality in J. Clark-Bekederemo's The Raft Henry Obi Ajumeze"Who thinks like the dying sea" Dr Erin Fitz-Henry Thinking from the Southern OceanDr Charne Lavery

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