Sarah Naish is author of bestselling parenting guide The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting. She is an adoptive parent, founder of the National Association of Therapeutic Parents, director of Inspire Training Group and author of the hugely popular Therapeutic Parenting Books series. She lives in Gloucestershire.
Rosie Jefferies has first-hand experience of childhood trauma and is Sarahs eldest child. She is now the Managing Director of The National Association of Therapeutic Parents.
This [library] deals with common emotional and behavioural difficulties of adopted and fostered children... These books should be available in every adoption agency for use by social workers or to be lent to parents. -- Professor Julie Selwyn CBE, Director of the Hadley Centre for Adoption and Foster Care Studies, University of Bristol
This is me, Mummy, I feel like that, I am not the only one, Mummy. -- Beth, aged 9
[The therapeutic parenting series] are the most valuable books on my book shelf. -- Foster carer