Voluntary Associations and Nonprofit Organizations in Our Current Uncertain World provides students with a collection of enlightening readings that present major topics related to voluntary associations and nonprofit organizations from a multidisciplinary perspective, including sociological. The text is organized into six units that cover: the historical background, definition, and theories of nonprofit organizations; the nonprofit sector relations and other partnerships; organization and structure; communication and nonprofit organizations; funding, strategy, and management; and policy issues, globalization, and the future of nonprofit organizations. The readings explore a wide variety of topics, including the role of nonprofits in society, civic engagement, governmental relations, the importance of mission and vision statements, best practices for online advocacy, budget and finance, the global drivers of change, and much more. Each reading is framed by an introduction and discussion questions to reinforce key concepts and stimulate critical thinking. Filling a gap in the current literature, Voluntary Associations and Nonprofit Organizations in Our Current Uncertain World is an ideal resource for courses that explore all aspects of voluntary associations and nonprofit organizations.