In Men's Mental Health: A Wellness-Based Approach to Healthy Masculinity, editors Paul F. Granello, Matthew S. Fleming, and Tyler D. Hudson convene the voices of leading scholars across the disciplines to examine the state of men's mental health in American society. The book paints a picture of a social system that is hostile toward men's mental health, explores the issues and challenges unique to specific male subpopulations, and provides helping professions with a strengths-based wellness approach for working with men. Contributed chapters cover development and cultural impacts on men, aging men's perspectives in counseling, fatherhood, spirituality and masculinity, and suicide as a modern male health crisis. Readers learn about common men's issues in the Latinx community, social justice-focused counseling strategies for Black male clients, and considerations and approaches to supporting gay male clients. Additional chapters explore meaning and purpose in work and leisure for men, the experiences of male veterans and first responders, and the intricacies of men and trauma counseling. The final chapter offers a strengths-based framework for working with men and promoting their overall wellness. An innovative and essential resource for modern helping professionals, Men's Mental Healthis ideal for courses in counseling, social work, and psychology. A Statement from the Authors in Recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month 2023 Men live 5 years less on average then women. The male suicide completion rate is 4x's that of women. More than three-quarters of deaths from excessive drinking are among males. We need to be aware of the mental health of men and boys during Mental Health Awareness Month. One key issue is getting men into care. Men are often viewed as a challenge in therapy and are perceived as less open to change than women. Why is that? Men's Mental Health: A Wellness-Based Approach to Healthy Masculinity, explores the culture of men that dictates the rigid male role models that impact men's participation in therapy and contributes to men missing key tools to healing and feeling whole. Our book takes a positive strengths based approach toward engaging men in therapy.