Clarice M. Moran is assistant professor of English education at Appalachian State University. Mary F. Rice is assistant professor of literacy at the University of New Mexico.
Part 1: Overview and Research: How can virtual and augmented realities support teacher learning? Chapter 1: A Review of the Literature on Virtual Reality: A New Frontier for English Language Arts Teaching, Paige Jacobson Chapter 2: VR Immersion in the ELA classroom: Supporting the Professional Development of Novice Teachers, Christine Chang, Elisabeth Etopio, Erin Kearney, and David Mawer Chapter 3: "So similar, but so different from my real-life classroom": Using Augmented Reality in Teacher Learning to Facilitate Discussion in Diverse ELA Classes, Jennifer M. Higgs, Megan E. Welsh, and Steven Z. Athanases Part 2: Practical Applications: How can virtual and augmented realities support student learning? Chapter 4: How Am I Supposed to Teach This? Using Google Cardboards to Enhance English Language Arts Learning, Clarice Moran Chapter 5: Designing Engaging Virtual Field Trips for Secondary English Language Art Students, Kelly Torres and Aubrey Statti Chapter 6: Experiencing Literature in Virtual Reality, Christine Oughtred, Louise Paatsch, and Anne Cloonan Chapter 7: Engaging ELA Teacher Candidates with the Power and Possibility of Geolocated Augmented Reality, William Wright Part 3: Interdisciplinary Work in ELA Classrooms: What are the boundaries and frontiers of virtual and augmented realities? Chapter 8: "It's the actual bomb!": Middle School Females using Virtual Reality to Develop 21st Century Literacies, Rick Marlatt Chapter 9: Integrating Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Virtual Reality: Preparing Preservice Educators for Secondary Language Arts Classes, Rebecca Smith, Nichole Ralston, and Benjamin Gallegos Chapter 10: Empowering Language Teachers with Emerging Technologies: Augmented Reality for English Language Arts Classrooms, Babak Khoshnevisan Afterword: Daydreaming of Equity and Virtual Reality, Dawn Whipple