Good Practices in Resettlement

An Approach to Improving Development Outcomes

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Edited by Hari Mohan Mathur, Contributions by Albab Akanda, Gordon Appleby, Kumi Careme, Dominique Egre, Gregory Eliyu Guldin, Asmita Kabra, Hari Mohan Mathur, Arnab Mukherji, William Partridge
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Hari Mohan Mathur is distinguished professor at Council for Social Development.

Introduction: Development, Land Acquisition and Resettlement PART I Chapter 1: Good Practices Approach to Resettlement Planning and Implementation Chapter 2: Land Acquisition Chapter 3: Relocation and Resettlement Chapter 4: Resettlement with Development: Tangguh Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Project, Indonesia Chapter 5: Livelihoods Restoration Chapter 6 Consultation and Participation: Using a Mitigation Matrix to Mediate Project Impacts Anxiety Chapter 7: Institutional Issues Chapter 8: Successful Resettlement PART II Chapter 9: Good Practices Approach to Benefit Sharing Conclusion: What have We Learned about Good Practices in Resettlement? Appendix I: Success Stories of Land Acquisition Appendix II: Why Do Bad Practices in Resettlement Get More Publicity?

The inherent complexities and contingencies involved in resettlement operations demands commitment, dedication, diligence, creative thinking, and adaptive flexibility, as well as learning and applying lessons learned--both positive and negative--from prior experience in planning, designing and implementing Resettlement Action Plans. In this book, Professor Mathur and his contributors assemble more than a dozen case examples from around the world in which project proponents, financing institution staff, government agency officials, resettlement social scientists, NGO and civil society personnel all labored long and hard in close collaboration and consultation with project-affected people and communities in crafting innovative solutions to achieve "resettlement with development" in accordance with the policy provisions that comprise the International Standard for Involuntary Resettlement. A useful and welcome addition to the emerging literature on cases of positive resettlement outcomes that counterbalance the dominant narrative of resettlement failure, this book illustrates what is possible and what can be achieved, and will be of interest to scholars, practitioners, and students alike.--David B. Halmo, Independent researcher and co-author of Resettling Displaced Communities: Applying the International Standard for Involuntary Resettlement Through careful documentation and analysis of successful aspects of development-driven resettlement projects, this book maps out essential elements to ensure that projects include the full participation of affected people and enhance living standards and improve livelihoods. This book should prove to be a useful resource for all those committed to improving outcomes for people displaced by development projects.--Anthony Oliver-Smith, University of Florida These case studies contributed by well-known resettlement practitioners provide powerful insights from different parts of the world for increasing effectiveness of resettlement policy, practice, and evaluation. This volume makes a significant contribution to the development literature and will be of interest to development practitioners everywhere.--Jayantha Perera, Asian Development Bank This book makes an important contribution to the global literature on resettlement. As a number of case studies assembled in this volume show, when there is enough pressure to solve resettlement fairly, practical solutions can be found, which is a sharp rebuke to the "grin and bear it" rationalizations that continue to justify unacceptable displacements of the poor.--Scott Guggenheim, Gerorgetown University This is a pioneering work, containing fifteen good practice examples from leading resettlement practitioners based in about a dozen different countries. This book will be widely welcomed by scholars, policy makers, and administrators.--T.K. Oommen, Jawaharlal Nehru University

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