Table of Contents 1. Introduction - a summary description of where mind control comes from, why it is used and the power relationships involved. 2. What is complex programming - a mind control technique(s) that provokes dissociation and controls systems. 3. Experimental mind control methods - how is a systems mind manipulated? 4. Dissociation for survival - the response to mind control. 5. Alistairs story 6. Therapeutic approaches - a summary of the theories (e.g. attachment theory and trauma informed care) 7. Therapy from perspective of the survivor. 8. Therapy from perspective of the therapist. 9. Support systems - looking at what helps and the hope of a degree of healing. 10. Training for support staff - a description of training including established patterns and approaches that work, put together by survivors and support staff. 11. Facing the future - educating the authorities; health, social care and education; the need for ongoing support and therapy. 12. There is a future! Acceptance of the challenges but a meaningful life is achievable with the correct support and therapy.