Table of Contents Personal information Authors welcome What Do You Want? An Introduction to Values Valued Domains Smart Goals Values List Exploring Domains Managing Thoughts and Feelings What Is Willingness? Metaphor: The Unwelcome Guest What Is Defusion? Exercise: Having the Thought What is Contacting the Present Moment? Exercise: Breathing What is Self-as-Context? Metaphor: The Sky and the Weather What is the Hexaflex? Exercise: Writing a Eulogy Introducing Self-Compassion Exercise: Helping a Child Personal Values Statement Introducing Experiential Avoidance Exercise: The White Bear Experiential Avoidance: A Crucial Side Effect Metaphor: A Ball in the Water Giving You the Reins Metaphor: Quicksand Metaphor: Tug of War with a Monster Exercise: Leaves on a Stream Metaphor: Hands as Thoughts Exercise: Body Scan Exercise: Walking Exercise: Fusion with Evaluations Exercise: Taking Off Your Armour Exercise: Heroes Exercise: Waiting for the Wrong Train Bringing It All Together: Passengers on the Bus Ending the Year