Introduction - not a survivor's guide; Legoland and holes in the head - mania; the pits - depression; lost in Fife - the beginning; flaming buckets - Stratheden psychiatric hospital; pay and free uniform - Kingseat psychiatric hospital; talking to God - suicide; Christopher Columbus, David Livingstone and me - work; one of us - famous manic depressives; babes in my moods - paranoia; not work, not working - breakdown; sideways through the torphins HaLF-edj - ambulance journey; pantiled peep show - Cornhill psychiatric hospital; psychos! Acute psychiatric ward; tack short of a fitted carpet - synonyms; the last time I saw Linda - electro-convulsive therapy; sweet violets - the psychotherapist; sweating it out with the professionals - doctors and nurses; ...and mopped up by Ethel - hospital appearances; concessionville - getting around; show folks - social wipeout; the choir lady - making things worse; only a salt - prescription drugs; another way of being - something to celebrate?
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Brian's memoir is in large part an effort to recoup some of his losses by making sense of them and contributing something to the rest of us...He has succeeded in what he set out to do. He has shown us that he is a credible witness and he has articulated some important realities about mental health...HE exhibits an awesome combination of honesty, compassion and determination to continue living in spite of it all.