Introduction - What this Book is About. 1. Definitions and Measures of Youth Homelessness. 2. Characteristics of Young Homeless People. 3. A History of Youth Homelessness. 4. A Geography of Youth Homelessness. 5. Something to Do - Education, Training and Employment. 6. Family - A Help or a Hindrance? 7. Friends and Acquaintances - Helping Young People to Maintain and Rebuild Social Networks. 8. Drugs and Alcohol - Dealing with Substance Misuse. 9. Housing and Support - Working for Sustainable Futures. 10. The Human Factor - What Works When Responding to Adolescent Behaviour. 11. The Future of Services for the Homeless. Appendix: The Quarriers Research Project - How Young People's Views Can Be Heard.
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Some history, some peer research and a lot of sound advice on working and understanding young people who experience homelessness is what this book provides.