Preface. Rules that can be frustrating at home: Why do I have to: Go to school before the show that I am watching is over? Wear shoes and a jacket when I go outside? Eat when I am not hungry? Rest when I am not tired? Go to the bathroom when I do not need to go? Share toys if I am still using them? Turn off the television or computer before my show or game is over? Stop talking about things that I like? Rules that may be frustrating about friends: Why do I have to: Play with my play date when I would rather play by myself? Say thank-you for a present that I do not like? Go to a friends house when I would rather stay home? Let other kids play a game the wrong way? Apologize to other children for hurting them when they hurt me first? Listen to a friend talk about something that I do not find interesting? Rules that may be frustrating at school: Why do I have to: Listen to a story that I already know? Let my hands get dirty? Say hello with words instead of giving a friend a big hug or slap on the back? Only talk about what the teacher asked about? Tell my friends that I am no longer playing the game when they can see for themselves? Ask my teacher if I can leave the room? Sit in a chair to do my work when I work better standing up? Be quiet when I am working? Explain to an adult why I got into a fight when they should know? Do homework after I have been working in school all day? Appendix: Goal Chart.